By the Numbers
Finance at MIT is about ensuring the Institute has the resources to succeed in pursuing its mission, now and into the future. Below are some noteworthy facts and figures relating to MIT's finances.
$23.5 billion Value of MIT's endowment in fiscal year 2023
A permanent resource built by MIT’s donors, the endowment provides vital and sustained support for MIT by generating an annual income stream for today while sustaining the Institute for the long term. MIT depends on annual income from endowment investments to fund almost every aspect of its operations, from scholarships, fellowships, professorships, and student life to the activities of its schools, departments, labs, and centers.
82% of MIT's endowment is restricted
Endowment returns must be used with the purposes for which the fund was established, and donors typically restrict their use to specific purposes, such as professorships, scholarships, fellowships, and research.
In 100 years the MIT mission will be as important as it is today
MIT applies the concept of “intergenerational neutrality” when determining the endowment distribution to help fund our operations during the next fiscal year. MIT seeks a spending policy that will offer the same support to today’s scholars as future generations. We conserve some, knowing we need larger dollar returns in the future to maintain the endowment’s purchasing power.
26% of the cost of instruction is funded by net tuition – the tuition charge net of financial aid
MIT’s commitment to financial aid has grown since the 1980s, and today MIT is one of only seven American universities that is need blind and full need, which means no student is disadvantaged in the admissions process because of their financial need.
52% of MIT campus operating revenues are from current use philanthropy, the endowment, and other investments
To provide a historical perspective on the composition of campus operating revenues, in 1981 support from these sources accounted for only 18% of our campus revenues, and 35% in Fiscal 2011. We sometimes refer to these categories as “intergenerational support,” given the role of our alumni’s generosity in providing this funding.
$4 billion The amount the 2030 facilities capital plan has committed to facilities capital projects since 2012
This includes projects that are complete or nearing completion, such as the Stratton Student Center and the Schwarzman College of Computing, and projects currently in construction, including the Graduate Junction residence on the West Campus, Metropolitan Warehouse, the East Campus “parallel” undergraduate residences, and a new music building.